イーブイ ムンクイーブイ PROMO 287/SM-PARS鑑定にてグレード10を取得したカードとなります。鑑定書も付属いたします。ARS鑑定様から返却されてから未開封品ですので、ケースの傷はなく美品です。ムンク展のカードは美品が少なく、白欠けや傷に厳しいとされるARS鑑定でグレード10を取得したカードは現在2枚のみです。この機会にいかがでしょうか。【Description in English】The card was graded Grade 10 by ARS Grading, a Japanese grading agency.It comes with certificate.The case itself has an overwhelming sense of luxury, weight, and strength compared to other appraisal organizations, and is ideal for long-lasting storage and collection.The metal plate engraving and certificate of authenticity are also more difficult to counterfeit than those of other appraisal organizations, making it highly reliable.The ARS Grading is always inundated with applications, and recently it is sometimes difficult to apply for the appraisal itself.Please take this opportunity to get this goods!! 【検索用】ムンクイーブイ PSA鑑定 PSA10 BGS鑑定イーブイプロモ イーブイ 鑑定品 GemMint10ゴッホピカチュウ